NP7: Engineered for Accelerated Segmentation | Security Performance
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Read more about the release of the FortiGate 1800F, powered by NP7:
NP7 is the seventh generation of Fortinet’s purpose-built network processor specifically engineered to enable large enterprises to handle unprecedented levels of data and application demands. Powering Fortinet’s new FortiGate 1800F Next-Generation Firewall, NP7 offers today’s largest organizations the ability to segment and launch services, manage internal and external risks, and preserve user experience.
NP7 is the seventh generation of Fortinet’s purpose-built network processor specifically engineered to enable large enterprises to handle unprecedented levels of data and application demands. Powering Fortinet’s new FortiGate 1800F Next-Generation Firewall, NP7 offers today’s largest organizations the ability to segment and launch services, manage internal and external risks, and preserve user experience.
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